Feb 23, 2018
Set Cucumber and Calabash up on a Xcode Project
The Project
The goal of the project is to demonstrate the use of cucumberπ₯ and calabashπ for functional testing on a very simple iOS app.
Install Bundler π¦
- From a terminal window, execute this command:
gem install bundler
- Check your installation with the following command
bundler --version
Create a Gemfile π
In your project's root directory, create a file called Gemfile, with the following content:
ruby '2.3.3'
source 'https://rubygems.org' do
gem 'cocoapods'
gem 'calabash-cucumber', '~> 0.21.4'
This file will name all your command line dependencies for this project. The bundle install
command will then install them. To use any of the pod
or cucumber
commands, prepend it by bundle exec
Create a specific -cal
target for Calabash use π
Follow this tutorial until the end of step 3: https://github.com/calabash/calabash-ios/wiki/Tutorial%3A--Creating-a-cal-Target
Create a Podfile π«
In your project's root directory, create a file called Podfile, with the following content:
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'YOUR-TARGET-NAME' do
target 'YOUR-TARGET-NAME-cal' do
pod 'Calabash'
This file will specify all your pod
depedencies for the current project. Be aware that only your -cal
target depends on the Calabash
pod. Use bundle exec pod install
to install your dependencies.
Calabash scaffolding ππ
Execute calabash-ios gen
in your terminal window. This command will create the features
directory containing:
- a
test file, written in gherkin (aka "Given, When, Then") - the
directory that will be home to the ruby code which translates thegherkin
tests into actual automation on your app - the
directory, with more ruby scripts that make the whole automation work.
Dry run π€
Build and run your project with the -cal
scheme. You should see some logs in the console telling you that the calabash server has started. Now you can execute bundle exec cucumber
for an end-to-end check that the iOS simulator is launched and that the sample test runs and passes.
First real test π
Here is an example of a simple test related to this Xcode project:
Feature: Get information
As a user
I want to be able to tap on a button
So I can see information in a popup
Scenario: Tap on the button shows popup
Given I am on the welcome screen
When I touch the button
Then I see the success message "Calabash Success !"
Given(/^I am on the welcome screen$/) do
// Nothing to do here, just wait for things to show
wait_for do
When(/^I touch the button$/) do
button = query("button marked:'Tap'").first
touch button
Then(/^I see the success message "([^"]*)"$/) do |txt|
wait_for_element_exists("* text:'#{txt}'")